heal the environment today…

to have a healthy tomorrow!

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Save Animal Habitats


A great way to preserve our environment is to preserve the many different species, we have as well as their habitat. Preserving their habitat is very important if we want ecosystems to sustain themselves. However, there is so much pressure today to destroy all of these habitats for things such as resorts, hotels, hunting, and logging that it is sometimes hard to preserve them. We should all do what we can in order to preserve ecosystems around the world. How can you take a stand and bring more attention and changes to this issue?

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Fossil Fuel is my BFF!!!?

fossil fuel

Fossil fuels are buried dead organism compilations used by human being to produce greenhouse gasses like emissions of carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels are very important in the production of oil, which we all use to heat, electricity and transportation!! Fossil Fuels are necessary, especially during the winter! If we keep constantly using them, we can keep generating natural heat, which will eventually will keep changing the climate all over the world and generate heat waves!

Oh wait… that sounds like Global Warming, hum? Well, that’s because that’s exactly what it is!!!

global warming

One of the main factors of global warming is the usage of fossil fuels to generate emissions of carbon dioxide, which we mostly use in our cars—as in GAS! Due to the high quantities of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the average temperature degree has risen up to about a quarter of a degree Fahrenheit in the past decade, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported back in 2012.


But for big oil corporations like EXXON, that is not important nor directly their fault. They believe that climate change is due to natural reasons that have nothing to do with how much they are polluting the earth with their constant use of the greenhouse gas. Their CEO, Rex Tillerson believes that, technology will eventually help control the climate change.

Well, sir, technology did find a way and you rejected!! It’s an innovative technological system called “STOP USING FOSSIL FUELS!!” or at least try to set goals that would reduce the usage of greenhouse gases, like the proposal that you rejected laid out.

But let’s not judge this poor soul so harshly, after all he did it for HUMANITY! (Everyone says) AWWW!! Tillerson only wants to stop the suffrage of humans, take them out of poverty—so they can enjoy the polluted air, contaminated waters and die happily in a massive heat wave! But what he “doesn’t know” is that regardless of social status that’s how we all live and will die thanks to his company and other big oil corporations.


The saddest thing of all is that the government funds these fossil fuel companies, and if we don’t keep fighting and pushing for better EPA regulations and environment policies; individuals like Rex Tillerson, will keep getting away with saying things like “What good is it to save the planet if humanity suffers?” Humanity also suffers due to the climate changes caused by fossil fuels, because our homes are being destroyed and we are being exposed to temperatures that we aren’t accustomed to. So please, let’s hustle and keep lobbying, we can’t keep letting them use human suffrage as a cover up for them not wanting to reduce greenhouse gas usage in order to keep the cash rolling in!

oil profits


Companies Fighting Pollution

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Environmental Careers


For anyone who loves the great outdoors or who wants to be active in keeping our environment clean, there are a growing number of careers in environmental science. These careers focus on the best ways to protect our natural resources, control pollution, and repair damaged natural areas. A lot of these jobs are very hands on. I myself have done some hands on environmental work. Although it was hard work, it was also a lot of fun and a great learning experience. If you would like to learn more, you can go to college express.com.